Dear All,
I'm very new to macro/VBA, and I really need some help from the experts.

I need to write a macro that will perform the following complicated tasks. Please see the sample file attached. ('Original' tab includes my raw data, and 'What I want it to look like' will be how I want my data to look like after running macro.)

Click below
Sample Doc.xls

1) Insert new row every other data after Row 3.

2) Copy & paste data in Column Z to the new row below in Column D (i.e. Copy Z3 and Paste in D4, Copy Z5 and Paste in D6, and so on)

3) Merge D4 to Y4, and repeat every other data, and wrap text (Merge D4 to Y4, merge D6 to Y6, merge D8 to Y8 and so on)

4) Hide Column B,C,Z.

5) Repeat the same process until the last data in Column Z.

I have attempted to record the above macros myself, but the original file has over 5000 data, and I do not have the patience to manually record every steps ><. I know I'm asking for a lot, but I really hope that someone can shed a light on how I can achieve this through VBA

Thank you all for reading.