I am quite new to any kind of coding. I've undertaken learning some things to accomplish specific work projects, and I've made some fairly good progress, but there's some stuff that I KNOW I can make excel do, but I am striking out on how to do it! I've got the book, I've spent a lot of time on youtube, and some of my questions aren't getting addressed.

Okay. What I have thus far is a quote template that successfully extracts information from an estimation sheet, the quote number increases on open, and I wrote a code to get it to pop up a 'save-as' dialog box on close. What I envision is this...

A button that will tell the completed quote to go save itself in a "Quotes" folder, clear the information from the template, and close the template while leaving my macros with the template NOT take the macros with the saved, completed quote.

Can it be done?

Thanks for any input! I've been winging it for about 6 weeks now, and I'd really like to get it finalized so we could actually use the damn thing!