Yeah, looks like you have the wrong id. You're looking for the "input" (buttons/textboxes) and "select" (dropdowns) elements to manipulate.
Ok, so I've changed the code which will allow you to make your dropdown selections and type in your Access ID and submit the form, but, this opens a new window where you enter your password. So I had to add some code which finds the new window and then lets you enter your password and submit that. I'm using Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 10 and this works for me, but I think it you're might behave differently based on your Windows/Internet Explorer version.
Try it out, if it fails let me know your Windows and Internet Explorer version.
Sub Test_1()
Dim oBrowser As New InternetExplorer
Dim oCollection As IHTMLElementCollection
Dim oDoc As HTMLDocument
Dim oSWindows As New ShellWindows
'Open browser, load page and set HTML document
With oBrowser
.Visible = True
.Silent = True
.navigate ""
Do While .readyState <> 4
Set oDoc = .document
End With
With oDoc
.getElementById("ddlService").setAttribute "value", "personal" 'Select service (options below)
'personal" - Online Banking
'business" - Business Link
'billpay - Business BillPay
'creditcards - Credit Cards
'brokerage - Brokerage Account
'assetTrust - Asset Mgt Acct
'remoteRemote - Deposit Capture
.getElementById("PersonalDestination").setAttribute "value", "SUMMARY" 'Select page (options below)
'SUMMARY - Summary Page
'EXPRESSXFR - Express Transfer
'STOPPAY - Stop Payment
'OPTIONS - Options
'NICKNAMES - Change Nicknames
'SEARCH - Transaction Search
'EXPORT - Transaction Export
.getElementById("AccessIDVisible").setAttribute "value", "PutYourIDHere" 'Enter Access ID
.getElementsByClassName("secureloginbtn").Item(0).Click 'Submit
End With
'Close current tab
Application.Wait Now() + TimeValue("00:00:05")
'Find new window
For Each oBrowser In oSWindows
Do While oBrowser.readyState <> 4
If Left(oBrowser.document.URL, 35) = "" Then
Exit For
End If
Next oBrowser
Set oDoc = oBrowser.document
'Type password and submit
With oDoc
.getElementById("Password").setAttribute "value", "PutYourPasswordHere" 'Password
.getElementById("submit1").Click 'Submit
End With
End Sub