So here is an example of the current code I have. It is correctly reading the variant srgBodyPart(1) into BodyPart to use for comparing the srgBodyPart(x). However, I need it to follow the following rules:

Facilities may receive additiional payment in excess of thefee for the primary procedure listed in fields above if (1) the additional procedures are performed on a seperate and distinct body part or system AND (2) the additional procedures would not normally be considered an integral part of a larger procedure or incidental to another procedure performed during the same session.

so basically where srgbdyPart(x) where x is 2-6, I need it to compare with all other srgbdyParts to make sure they're not of equal value to any other.

    For x = 1 To rCount
        If x = 1 Then
            BodyPart = srgbdyPart(x)
            If srgbdyPart(x) = BodyPart Then
                srgFeeValue(x) = 0
                srgFeeValue(x) = srgFeeValue(x) * 0.75
            End If
        End If
    Next x