Hello. I am well versed with excel, but new to VBA/Macros. My situation seems to be unique, but aren't they all? Please don't link me to another 'how-to' site or someone's blog/video. I have been researching various forms and Excel tutorial websites for a few days now and have come across a few bits and pieces of what I am looking for, but have been unsuccessful in attempts to paste it all together. I am running short on time to get the project complete and am hoping that someone out there can help!

I have a worksheet (Estimate Input) that is basically a form - there are several cells that the user would input data into. I have a second worksheet (Estimate Log) which I want to house each individual form entry in a new line. I am looking for a macro/code that will automate this process when the user clicks on a [Submit] button; at the same time the button is clicked, I want the macro/code to save a copy of that worksheet 'as-is' in a new workbook and save it in a specified folder using the data in a specific cell to name it then to clear the form data. Furthermore, I want a macro/code that will automatically print this worksheet when the user clicks on a [Print] button.

I have several projects going on right now that I could use this same process with once I saw an example and could better understand how it works. I have been successful in setting up the process in reverse (taking data from a database and populating a form using Vlookups and Pivot tables) but that is not what I need in this case. I thank you profusely in advance for any help that is given. I have additional possibly relevant information below.

Cells in worksheet [Estimate Input] to be copied to worksheet [Estimate Log] in order that they would be copied:

In Worksheet [Estimate Log], the first cell to have the copied data would be B6. (Column A is set to autogenerate when data is entered into Column B). I want each new submission to save in [Estimate Log] as a new row.

Some of the cells being copied from [Estimate Input] to [Estimate Log] are formulas in nature; however I only want the values to copy over, not the formulas.

Thanks again!