Well my first post
My spreadsheet data is driven by ODBC tables dowloading into an array cell, and monthly columns created to strip out the data. Once the formulas are created, the data is stripped into the January through December colums.
Upon refreshing the data or saving the file, the array cell reference turns to #REF! in the formula except for the first column "January and the last "December".
Here, upon refresh of data, the formula becomes =VALUE(MID(#REF!,FIND(CHAR(1),SUBSTITUTE(#REF!,";",CHAR(1),2))+1,FIND(CHAR(1),SUBSTITUTE(#REF!,";",CHAR(1),3))-FIND(CHAR(1),SUBSTITUTE(#REF!,";",CHAR(1),2))-1)) where the #REF! was originally $k2, referencing the array formula.
This is an example of one array cell "0;0;747;1075.68;448.2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0" or $k2, or $k3,...
Any ideas?