Hi, I was wondering if anyone is able to help.

I recently got a new machine with excel 2010 and was trying to run some marco created with previous version of excel.

I keep getting the error message" Run-time error '1004': Method StatusBar 'of object'_Application' failed.

Part of the codes pertaining to the error is as follows (the 2nd line is that one that is highlighted when trying to debug):

If Application.Dialogs(xlDialogOpen).Show Then
    Application.StatusBar = "FILE RETRIEVED !"
    With Application
        .Calculation = xlAutomatic
        .MaxChange = 0.001
    End With
    ActiveWorkbook.PrecisionAsDisplayed = False
    rPath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
    newName = Trim$(Application.ActiveWorkbook.Name)
    Range("K1") = Left$(newName, Len(newName) - 4)
    Range("M1") = Trim$(Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path)
the purpose of the code is to import data into excel and was working without any problem in excel 2007.

Can anyone help?

Moderator's Note: Welcome to the forum, thank you for joining. Btw when posting codes be sure to put code tags..Select the codes then hit the "#" symbol. I'll do it for now. Thanks.