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Creating a new tab and filling in one column based on user responses

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Creating a new tab and filling in one column based on user responses


    I have a spreadsheet (attached) that has a "Project Build" tab and a "Template" tab. The "Project Build" tab has a list of typical project tasks in Column B, and a series of Check Boxes in Column A (beginning with Check Box 1). I would like to have a macro that will create a new tab (which is a copy of the "Template" tab) with the Project Number as the name, list the project tasks in Column E that were indicated by the user checking a box, and change Column N to "In Progress" for each row that has a task on the new sheet.

    If possible, I would also like the project to get listed in the "Project Directory" tab and then have the "Project Build" tab reset after the macro has been run (I will use a command button to run the Macro).

    Thank you very much for any help!
    New Project Build.xlsm

  2. #2
    Forum Expert mike7952's Avatar
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    Re: Creating a new tab and filling in one column based on user responses

    Heres a good start for you. You will need to get rid of all the extra checkboxes you have. I believe starting at task 5 on down you have double checkboxes in column A

    Option Explicit
    Sub abc()
     Const shProjectDirectory As String = "Project Directory"
     Const shProjectBuild As String = "Project Build"
     Const shTemplate As String = "Template"
     Dim sProjectName As String
     Dim sProjectNumber As String
     Dim sProjectManager As String
     Dim ck As CheckBox
     Dim sTemp As String
     Dim iStartingRow As Long
     Dim iCount As Long
     iStartingRow = 7
     With Worksheets(shProjectBuild)
        sProjectName = Trim$(.Range("c2").Text)
        sProjectNumber = Trim$(.Range("c3").Text)
        sProjectManager = Trim(.Range("c4").Text)
        sTemp = GoodSheetName(sProjectNumber)
        If Evaluate("=ISREF('" & sTemp & "'!A1)") Then
            MsgBox "Sheet " & sTemp & " already exists."
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Sheets(shTemplate).Copy After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
        For Each ck In .CheckBoxes
            If ck > 0 Then
                iCount = iCount + 1
                Cells(1, "e").Offset(iCount) = _
                Worksheets(shProjectBuild).Cells(iStartingRow, "b").Text
                Cells(1, "n").Offset(iCount) = "In Progress"
            End If
            ck.Value = 0
           iStartingRow = iStartingRow + 1
        ActiveSheet.Name = sTemp
     End With
     With Worksheets(shProjectDirectory)
        With .Cells(Rows.Count, "a").End(xlUp).Offset(1)
            .Resize(, 4) = Array(sProjectNumber, sProjectName, iCount, sProjectManager)
        End With
     End With
    End Sub
    Private Function GoodSheetName(ByVal strName As String) As String
         Dim vaIllegal As Variant
         Dim i As Long
        'List unwanted characters
        vaIllegal = Array(".", "?", "!", "*", "/", "", "[", "]", "‘", Chr(34), "|", "<", ">", "\", ":")
        'Remove all illegals
        For i = LBound(vaIllegal) To UBound(vaIllegal)
             strName = Replace(strName, vaIllegal(i), "")
         Next i
        GoodSheetName = Left$(Trim$(strName), 31)
    End Function

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  3. #3
    Registered User
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    MS-Off Ver

    Re: Creating a new tab and filling in one column based on user responses

    Perfect! Thank you very much

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