Attempting to populate Combobox within Userform Initialize event. The cbo is populated from an advanced filter / unique list on a hidden worksheet. The cbo properly populates when that worksheet is the active sheet, but not from the worksheet where the userform (and initialize event) is fired. I thought encapsulating within a With/End With construct would prove the best approach, but to no avail. Thanks. 
With wsData
'~~> Ensure Dest range is clear prior to firing
'~~> Find String, offset 1 x 2, resize range to contiguous end
Set rngFind = .Range("E:E").Find(strFind, , xlValues, xlWhole).Offset(1, 2)
Set rngSource = .Range(rngFind, rngFind.End(xlDown))
'~~> Apply Advanced Filter to send unique names only to range for
'~~> consumption
rngSource.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CopyToRange:=Range("J1601"), _
'~~> Populate combo box with unique list
Set rngUnique = .Range("J1602", .Range("J1602").End(xlDown))
Me.cboSubName.List = rngUnique.Value
End With