Few issues with this code. My understanding is you want to copy all non zero starting from A8 across. The problem is you U8. The code loops correctly and copies all values in the next empty column, but the last empty column is U8
Sub Copy_ShortName_to_PR_W1Monday()
Dim cell As Range, r As Long
r = 1
Set ms = Sheets("K-5 (5 Week FV Bar) PR")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
On Error Resume Next
For Each cell In Sheets("K-5 (5 Week FV Bar)").Range("CZ9:DD34, CZ363:CZ365")
If Len(cell) > 0 Or Len(cell.Text) > 0 Then
ms.Cells(8, r).Value = cell.Value
r = r + 1
End If
Next cell
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Set ms = Nothing
End Sub