I only want it to go from column A to E in worksheet K-5 (5 Week FV Bar) PR. I just need for it to skip rows. There are going to be empty cells in column DC in worksheet K-5 (5 Week FV Bar).

If it won't work, I can use my original code that does, but it only copies over 1 column at a time. I was trying to save myself from writing a bunch of code, but if there's no way else, then I'll have to do it.

I really do appreciate your help. Your code "If Len(cell) > 0 Or Len(cell.Text) > 0 Then" helped make the code work for some problem cells that were giving me run-time errors.

Sub W1Monday_Copy_ShortName()
    Dim cell As Range, r As Long
    r = 8
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Sheets("K-5 (5 Week FV Bar) PR").Range("A8:A33").ClearContents
    For Each cell In Sheets("K-5 (5 Week FV Bar)").Range("CZ9:CZ34, CZ363:CZ365")
        If Len(cell) > 0 Or Len(cell.Text) > 0 Then
            Sheets("K-5 (5 Week FV Bar) PR").Range("A" & r).Value = cell.Value
            r = r + 1
        End If
    Next cell
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub