Hello! I am new to this forum and to Macros/Visual Basic. I've been doing my best to research how to write a code, that's probably considered very simple to those on this forum... but i'm failing horribly probably because I don't know enough. Please bare with me as I'm still learning and do not know many of the terminologies needed to clearly describe my question.

I want to extract data from a cell on every sheet in a workbook, and put in a new sheet like a report. For example, I want it to create a new sheet "master". Copy cell a1 in sheet1, paste it on the master sheet cell b1... then go to sheet2 copy cell a1 and paste it on the master sheet cell b2. I want this to loop until there are no more sheets left in the file.

I've tried to record a macro, but I don't know how to change the code to select the first sheet and then continue to the next. Same with telling it to go down the rows instead copying it into the same cell.

As you can see, I have very little knowledge of this stuff and any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

Thank you!

btw, I'm heading home for the night, so I won't be able to respond until tomorrow.