1) The column to watch is column A on a specific sheet
2) The exact location of the file is known
3) The new copies go to a specific location
4) If the file already exists in the destination folder, it would NOT be overwritten with a new one should you enter the same number a second time.
The following macro is an event macro, it goes in the sheet module where you are typing these values. Right-click that tab and select VIEW CODE, paste macro into the module that appears. It will certainly needs some tweaking on your part:
Option Explicit
Const MyFile As String = "C:\2013\Template.xls"
Const Dest As String = "C:\2013\Files\" 'remember the final \ in this string
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Target.Column = 1 Then 'a cell in column A was changed/added
If Len(Dir(Dest & Target.Value & ".xls")) = 0 Then 'make sure file doesn't exist already
FileCopy MyFile, Dest & Target.Value & ".xls" 'copy the file over
End If
End If
End Sub