This is my code the theing that is giveing me a problem is how I pull in what is in fomula in the cell not the Value in the cell.
Function StandardSetup(Column1 As String, Column2 As String, Column3 As String, Column4 as Range)
Dim StandardRate As Long
Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set recS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
'Connect to the data base
With conn
.Provider = "sqloledb"
.ConnectionString = "Data Source=CRV43;Initial Catalog=M2MDATA01;User ID=SA;Password=sysadmin;"
End With
'Get data from Database
strQuery = "Select " & Column1 & " From dbo.LABOR Where " & Column2 & "='" & Column3 & "'"
recS.Open strQuery, conn
If Range(Column4).HasFormula Then
StandardRate = recS!Srate
StandardSetup = SSetup * StandardRate / 60
StandardRate = recS0
End If
Set recS = Nothing
Set conn = Nothing
End Function