I had to add a little user-defined function to your workbook to do some of this:

Function LookupReplace(sSourceString As String, rngLookup As Range, lLookUpCol As Long, Optional sDelimiter As String = ",") As String

Dim vValues As Variant
Dim lLoop As Long
Dim vLUResult As Variant

vValues = Split(sSourceString, sDelimiter)

For lLoop = LBound(vValues) To UBound(vValues)
   vLUResult = Application.VLookup(Val(vValues(lLoop)), rngLookup, lLookUpCol, 0)
   If Not IsError(vLUResult) Then
     vValues(lLoop) = vLUResult
   End If
Next lLoop

LookupReplace = Join(vValues, sDelimiter)

End Function
But with that in a module I could use the formula:

=LookupReplace(SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(SUBSTITUTE(Blad2!J2,"#"," "))," ",","),Blad1!$A$2:$B$5,2)

In cell K2 of the results sheet, and just drag it down.