Hi All,

I do hope someone can assist me in this task. I have an understanding of VBA but not to the level of manipulating data in arrays or from one source to another so hence the cry for help.

What I need to do is take data from one spread sheet (main data source) and populate another (summary data) based upon three criteria, which are “Question”, “Supplier” and “Rating”.

In the summary sheet I have three dropdown boxes for selecting the criteria:
1. Supplier name
2. Question i.e. Service level agreement (I have some 30 questions)
3. Rating (this is 1 or 4)

I would like the vba code to be attached to the last drop down (rating) and then take the three criteria and search the main data source sheet and return every entry where the criteria is met but only display data from specific columns i.e. column “B”, “G”, “H” etc.

So the initial check should be column A for supplier name, then row 1 for question and then down the column.

Example of main data source (A – supplier name, B – sub date, C to F question ratings, G to J questions text response)

1 Date Q1 rate Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Ans Q2 Ans Q3 Ans Q4 Ans
2 EMF 01/12 1 2 1 4 Any txt Any txt Any txt Any txt
3 Plus 1 02/12 3 3 1 4 Any txt Any txt Any txt Any txt
4 Browns 02/12 2 2 1 1 Any txt Any txt Any txt Any txt
5 EMF 02/12 2 1 1 4 Any txt Any txt Any txt Any txt
6 ACE 02/12 4 1 2 3 Any txt Any txt Any txt Any txt
7 Browns 03/12 2 2 4 1 Any txt Any txt Any txt Any txt
8 EMF 03/12 3 3 1 4 Any txt Any txt Any txt Any txt
Plus 1 03/12 1 2 2 4 Any txt Any txt Any txt Any txt

So if I select EMF and Q2 and Rating 1 it should extract data from row 5 columns D (rating) and H (text relating to q2.
I hope this is a good example and my requirements are clear.