Hi dear experts,
(i'm trying to get there too... Smile)
First Lil problem is : Excel it doesn't "remember" when set a Lead "zero" Numbers in single digit and group of numbers when have 0 at front,
I Means it work, but once i save and Close the File, When Is Opened again excell 2007 forgot (so i have to set it again in the format Cell)
Okaii, this is my main Problem with a crazy Lottery Idea..
At this Point Let me explain you : After each Drawn, each Numbers have a "Pattern Score", So
I paste a "Pattern Score History" in 5 Column L, M, N and O, and From Row 6 Till row 302
1-.On Column B6 tru B41 I Paste 36 lottery Numbers (this is Ok)
2-.On Column C6 tru C41 I Paste the Numbers Since Hit (of next to each numbers) (this is Ok)
3-.On Column D6 tru D41 I Paste the "Current Score" (this is Ok)
What i need to do is to find and Count how many times each Numbers from "Current Score"
Column D6:D41 Are repeated in "Pattern Score History"
4-.On Column E6 I Copied the COUNTIF Function
5-.On Column F6 I Copied the COUNTIF Function
6-.On Column G6 I Copied the COUNTIF Function
7-.On Column H6 I Copied the COUNTIF Function
8-.On Column I6 I Copied the COUNTIF Function
and In Column J I Place a SUM Function, wich is Summing Okaii
At this Point Count if Function Count, But it give a Different Amount.
For Instance In Cel D7 Its a Score 348 that is 5 Times in "Pattern Score History"
But Count if Function founded 2 Times Only ( see J7)
Might excel is Buggie, Right?? ( jiji ji ji just kidding, i'm a newbee..)
Thank you!!!!
Warm Regards