I have 2 sheets, one is a table (you know, when you push the button the rows get different colors and autofilter is placed in the top.), I have that table as a data source to some pivot tables (in the file im uploading this sheet is named "DataTabell"). The other sheet is some kind of raw data, that is "Utdata".
I got a lot of help with the code that takes data from sheet "Utdata" and places it in the first empty row in sheet "Datatable". This works perfectly, the macro is constructed so it always takes data in sheet Utdata from A4 : ??. I dont know how many rows or columns there are from time to time in the sheet "Utdata". This macro handles the data correctly:
It probably should be mentioned that the data in "Utdata" always has some "rubbish" in the end of it. Look att row 576 in sheet "Utdata", there the rubbish starts. In the file uploaded, the range that needs to be moved to sheet "DataTabell" is A4:AH573, but his can, as earlier sad, vary from time to time.
The problem now is that the data that is being taken from sheet "Utdata" and placed in first empty row in sheet "DataTabell" is not being automatically added to the table in sheet "DataTabell". Usually when you have a table and put something in the first empty row below it, its being part of the table automatically. Now the data is added in the correct place but it is not added so it becomes part of the table. First 199 rows in sheet "DataTabell" is a table, if I run the macro the data from sheet "Utdata" is placed beginning on row 200 but will not be apart of the table...
Hope someone can help me and that I made myself understood, if not; please ask again and I will try to explain more.