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Macro to find and replace links in hidden worksheets

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lottidotti Macro to find and replace... 02-09-2013, 09:39 AM
TMS Re: Macro to find and replace... 02-09-2013, 10:25 AM
lottidotti Re: Macro to find and replace... 02-09-2013, 12:01 PM
TMS Re: Macro to find and replace... 02-09-2013, 12:30 PM
lottidotti Re: Macro to find and replace... 02-09-2013, 12:49 PM
TMS Re: Macro to find and replace... 02-09-2013, 01:12 PM
lottidotti Re: Macro to find and replace... 02-09-2013, 01:41 PM
lottidotti Re: Macro to find and replace... 02-09-2013, 02:53 PM
TMS Re: Macro to find and replace... 02-09-2013, 07:38 PM
lottidotti Re: Macro to find and replace... 02-09-2013, 09:45 PM
  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Excel 2010

    Macro to find and replace links in hidden worksheets

    I'd really appreciate if someone can help me to fix my code so that it works.

    Here's a summary of what the macro is supposed to do:
    1. It unhides all sheets
    2. It unprotects all sheets
    3. It unprotects the workbook
    4. If there any errors during any time, it goes to an error handler so that the workbook and sheets aren't left unprotected or certain sheets unhidden.

    5. It does several find and replaces to fix links within cells of the entire workbook and all sheets.

    6. It re-hides all sheets
    7. It re-protects all sheets
    8. It re-protects the workbook

    Here is my code, please help if you can...Thank you very much!!

    Sub Fix_All_Links()
    ' Fix_All_Links Macro
    'Application.EnableCancelKey = xlErrorHandler
    'On Error GoTo ErrHandl
    'Turn off screen updating.
     Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    'Unprotect Workbook temporarily
    ActiveWorkbook.Unprotect Password:="ABC"
    'Unprotect All Sheets & unhide all sheets temporarily
    Dim wSheet As Worksheet
        For Each wSheet In Worksheets
        wSheet.Visible = xlSheetVisible
            wSheet.Unprotect Password:="ABC"
        Next wSheet
    On Error Resume Next
    Cells.Replace What:= _
            "'C:\Program Files\SMF\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!", Replacement _
            :="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
            SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
        Cells.Replace What:= _
            "'C:\SMF\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!", Replacement _
            :="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
            SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
            Cells.Replace What:= _
            "'D:\SMF\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!", Replacement _
            :="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
            SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
                Cells.Replace What:= _
            "'E:\SMF\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!", Replacement _
            :="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
            SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
                Cells.Replace What:= _
            "'F:\SMF\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!", Replacement _
            :="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
            SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
                Cells.Replace What:= _
            "'G:\SMF\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!", Replacement _
            :="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
            SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
                Cells.Replace What:= _
            "'H:\SMF\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!", Replacement _
            :="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
            SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
                Cells.Replace What:= _
            "'I:\SMF\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!", Replacement _
            :="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
            SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
                Cells.Replace What:= _
            "'J:\SMF\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!", Replacement _
            :="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
            SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
                Cells.Replace What:= _
            "'K:\SMF\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!", Replacement _
            :="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
            SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
                Cells.Replace What:= _
            "'L:\SMF\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!", Replacement _
            :="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
            SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
                Cells.Replace What:= _
            "'M:\SMF\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!", Replacement _
            :="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
            SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
                Cells.Replace What:= _
            "'N:\SMF\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!", Replacement _
            :="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
            SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
     Cells.Replace What:= _
            "'C:\Program Files\SMF Add-In\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!", Replacement _
            :="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
            SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
        Cells.Replace What:= _
            "'C:\SMF Add-In\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!", Replacement _
            :="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
            SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
            Cells.Replace What:= _
            "'D:\SMF Add-In\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!", Replacement _
            :="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
            SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
                Cells.Replace What:= _
            "'E:\SMF Add-In\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!", Replacement _
            :="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
            SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
                Cells.Replace What:= _
            "'F:\SMF Add-In\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!", Replacement _
            :="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
            SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
                Cells.Replace What:= _
            "'G:\SMF Add-In\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!", Replacement _
            :="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
            SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
                Cells.Replace What:= _
            "'H:\SMF Add-In\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!", Replacement _
            :="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
            SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
                Cells.Replace What:= _
            "'I:\SMF Add-In\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!", Replacement _
            :="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
            SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
                Cells.Replace What:= _
            "'J:\SMF Add-In\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!", Replacement _
            :="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
            SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
                Cells.Replace What:= _
            "'K:\SMF Add-In\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!", Replacement _
            :="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
            SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
                Cells.Replace What:= _
            "'L:\SMF Add-In\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!", Replacement _
            :="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
            SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
                Cells.Replace What:= _
            "'M:\SMF Add-In\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!", Replacement _
            :="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
            SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
                Cells.Replace What:= _
            "'N:\SMF Add-In\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!", Replacement _
            :="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
            SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
    On Error Resume Next
        On Error GoTo ErrHandl
    'Reprotect All Sheets
        For Each wSheet In Worksheets
            wSheet.Protect Password:="ABC"
        Next wSheet
    'ReHide Specific Sheets
            ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Visible = False
            ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Visible = False
        Sheets("PE Ratio").Select
            ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Visible = False
            ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Visible = False
            ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Visible = False
            ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Visible = False
        Sheets("ABC Values").Select
            ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Visible = False
            ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Visible = False
            ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Visible = False
      'Reprotect Workbook
        ActiveWorkbook.Protect Password:="ABC"
    'Turn off screen updating.
     Application.ScreenUpdating = True
     'Save Workbook
    'ReAllow Esc button to cancel processes
    Application.EnableCancelKey = xlInterrupt
    'Error Handler
    'Rehide specific sheets
    Sheets("Formulas").Visible = xlSheetHidden
        Sheets("EPS").Visible = xlSheetHidden
        Sheets("PE Ratio").Visible = xlSheetHidden
        Sheets("ROE").Visible = xlSheetHidden
        Sheets("ROCI").Visible = xlSheetHidden
        Sheets("GPM").Visible = xlSheetHidden
        Sheets("ABC Values").Visible = xlSheetHidden
        Sheets("Pictures").Visible = xlSheetHidden
            Sheets("InvestPData").Visible = xlSheetHidden
    'Protect All Sheets
        For Each wSheet In Worksheets
            wSheet.Protect Password:="ABC"
        Next wSheet
    'Protect Workbook
        ActiveWorkbook.Protect Password:="ABC"
    'Turn off screen updating.
     Application.ScreenUpdating = True
     Application.EnableCancelKey = xlInterrupt
    'Show Error Message
    MsgBox "Links could not be updated. Please contact SOMEBODY @ EMAIL ADDRESS for help."
    End Sub
    Last edited by lottidotti; 02-09-2013 at 11:59 AM. Reason: updated code

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