Hi all,
So I work in science, where we have 96-well plates arrayed from A1 to H12. This causes a problem when referring to well locations E1-E12 and excel is forever changing the E* values into scientific notation whenever we manipulate these cells.
For example, I have a script that removes "leading 0s" from well names:
17A01 --> 17A1
231B09 --> 231B9
and the like.
All the cells start off as text, but when my script runs it turns the E* cell formats into scientific notation and changes the value
35E01 --> 3.50E+02
15E07 --> 1.50E+08
and if I then convert the format of the cells to text I get
3.50E+02 --> 350
1.50E+08 --> 150000000
which is singularly unhelpful
my code is simple:
Selection.Replace What:="E0", Replacement:="E", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
what do I need to do to make sure that the text is picked up as string, then laid back down as a string so that excel stops futzing with my well names?