I have an export from a program that runs every night at midnight. It saves the data I need into a new .cvs file for that day's date ([GET DATE].cvs)

I have a master worksheet that compiles each days data by copying column C from each raw data workbook and pasting it into a new column in the master spreadsheet. This is all manually done.

I am looking for a way for my master worksheet to look in a folder and pull the data from any worksheet that matches the header row. For instance:

10/1/12 10/2/12 10/3/12
Column pulls data from workbook with name 10/1/12 in C1:C5000 Column pulls data from workbook with name 10/2/13 in C1:C5000 Column pulls data from workbook with name 10/3/12 in C1:C5000

I included an image of what the end result will look like.

Any help would be appreciated. I use 2010.

import and add new column.jpg