Hi Mehmetcik,
Have tried copying the latest code and still doesn't work.
Did you really not see the attached file? It was on the very first post of this thread.
Hi Mehmetcik,
Have tried copying the latest code and still doesn't work.
Did you really not see the attached file? It was on the very first post of this thread.
Ok I've modified your code for textbox1.
As follows:-
Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
If flag = True Then GoTo 200
temp = TextBox1.Value
If Right(temp, 1) = "%" Then temp = Left(temp, Len(temp) - 1)
If Len(Me.TextBox1) >= 1 And Not IsNumeric(temp) Then
MsgBox "Sorry, only numbers allowed"
TextBox1.Value = vbNullString
ActiveSheet.Label1.Caption = ""
ActiveSheet.Label12.Caption = ""
temp = 36
Else: flag = Not flag
If flag = True Then TextBox1.Value = Format(temp / 100, "0.00%")
20 End If
If Range("C16").Value = 0 Then
ActiveSheet.Label49.Caption = ""
ElseIf Range("C16").Value >= 50 Then
With ActiveSheet.Label49
.Caption = Format(Range("E16").Value, "$#,#.00")
.Font.Size = 48
End With
With ActiveSheet.Label49
.Caption = "Min 50 Phones."
.Font.Size = 35
End With
End If
GoTo 300
200 flag = False
ActiveSheet.Label1.Caption = Range("D3")
ActiveSheet.Label12.Caption = Format(Range("E3").Value, "$#,#.00")
300 ' exit
End Sub
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