Hi everyone! I'm so glad I found this forum as I am very new to Excel macros and I'm trying to create something that will help me and my company.

The below thread talks about something very similar to what I am trying to do:


I have a 9 column, thousands-of-rows data file and I am trying to pull information from. What I would like to do:

*enter a string (i.e. 'gk') to be searched for in column B
* enter a date range, where the dates are in column D, that you want to filter (i.e. start date 1/1/13, end date 1/31/13
*display all columns in that row that contains the above criteria, on to a new sheet (i.e. I would like the entire row that contains 'gk' in column B and a date from column D within the range entered)

The link above is very close to what I am looking for, except it a)doesnt have a date range and b) it displays results in a userform rather than a new sheet.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Once I see the code for it, I can learn off of that to do other things.