Hello all, I revert to your expertise once again to solve a dilemma. Thanks in advance!
I am trying to create a macro which periodically pulls reports from Salesforce.com. With the help of this forum, so far so good!
First I use IE to access the web portal. I've automated the login, and then I must push a button (Export) which generates a report in format Excel. Since it's a web page, I use the following to push the button;
Set but = IE.Document.getElementById("export")
But then an Excel popup window appears asking me to open, save, or cancel worksheet (object name appears to be File Download) . I want to Open, but I cannot find a way to click the Open button other than with SendKeys, which is always hit or miss. I've tried ... .getElementById and .getElementByName, but no luck. Any suggestions?
Many thanks,
JM, Sao Paulo