Could someone please help me with this problem?
I have data that starts with A6:D6. However, the end point is variable.
I would like to select all the data except the last row. So if in one instance the used data range is A6: D151, I would like to select A6:D150 (leaving out the last row).
I have this code but it does not work as I don't know how to move the ActiveCell to the southwest corner of my selection to make the offset work correctly. Currently the ActiveCell is A6 and the offset winds up selecting one row up.
Selection Code
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Offset(rowoffset:=-1).Select
After I select the range correctly, I would like to add make all text there proper case. Someone helped me with that. I am providing this just in case it proves to be useful. Thank you.
For Each Rng In Selection
Rng.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Proper(Rng.Value)
Next Rng
I am using Excel 2007.