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find how many times a word appears in a string at certain positions within the string

  1. #1
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    Question find how many times a word appears in a string at certain positions within the string

    Hi everyone,

    I have strings that are concatenated with ~ characters. an example of the format of the sorts of strings im working with is here:

    (total rows,workbook name,worksheet name,column, top row, bottom row, row 1 data, row 2 data, ... , row total rows-1 data)
    myString = "14~ThisWorkbook.Name~Sheets(1).Name~E~11~25~data0~data1~data2~data3~data4~data5~data6~data7~data8~data9~data10~data11~data12~data13"

    I have kindly been provided with the following code by AlphaFrog which allows me to search this string for a given term and it will count the number of ~ characters to the left of the term.

    code provided by AlphaFrog
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    How could I look at this string and count the number of times my term appears only it at certain positions (that is with a certain number of ~ characters to its left).
    The possible positions the term can appear should be restricted to index number 6,13,20,27,..
    by index number i mean the number of ~ characters in front of the term in myString

    so from the above example
    myString index(0) = 14
    myString.index(1) = ThisWorkbook.Name
    myString.index(2) = Sheets(1).Name

    The index values to search for should be restricted to those mentioned above.. .. 6,13,20,27,..

    Kind Regards
    Last edited by jordan2322; 02-04-2013 at 09:08 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: find how many times a word appears in a string at certain positions within the string

    Hello Jordan,

    It would help to have more examples to work with and to see what the results should look like. Can you post a copy of the workbook?
    Leith Ross

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  3. #3
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    Re: find how many times a word appears in a string at certain positions within the string

    Thanks for your reply Leith,

    I've attached a sample file for you.

    Please note the string examples i've provided in the WB are only to demonstrate how the strings are put together from the data

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by jordan2322; 02-04-2013 at 09:03 PM.

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: find how many times a word appears in a string at certain positions within the string

    Hello Jordan2322,

    Thanks for posting the workbook. I would have been completely lost without the examples and explanations.

    Do the numbers 6,13,20,27, etc. indicate the position of the tilde (~) character in the string?

  5. #5
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    Re: find how many times a word appears in a string at certain positions within the string

    they indicate the position of the word in the string. the ~ characters a merely an identifyer.

    the position starts at 0. The positions 0 to 5 are always filled with data which is to be ignored. so relating this back to the example i posted above..

    myString = "14~ThisWorkbook.Name~Sheets(1).Name~E~11~25~data0~data1~data2~data3~data4~data5~data6~data7~data8~data9~data10~data11~data12~data13"

    0 = 14, 1 = ThisWorkbook.Name, 2 = Sheets(1).Name, 3 = E, 4 = 11, 5 = 25.
    From 6 onwards it is all 'cell block' data - the coloured square ranges on the workbook that always consist of 1 column and 7 rows.
    I only wish to search on the first row of these 'cell blocks' for the term. therefore only positions 6, 6+7, 6+7+7, 6+7+7+7, ... etc should be checked to see if they contain the key word.

    I hope this explanation helped and didnt hinder! haha

    Thanks again

  6. #6
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: find how many times a word appears in a string at certain positions within the string

    Hello Jordan,

    So everything before the 6th instance of the tilde is to be ignored. Where is the keyword to search for located? Is it in columns L and K?

  7. #7
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    Re: find how many times a word appears in a string at certain positions within the string

    Yes everything before the 6th is to be ignored, then only the words immediately left of the 7th, 14th, 21st tildes should be checked if theyre value is like the term. then return the number of instances this term appears in checked

    For what its worth here is a snippet of the code I am using to compare the values of the string. The strings are stored in an array.
    The code looks for the term in the string, and if it finds the term within the string, it changes the colour of the cells that the string relates to.
    The string contains the workbook, sheet, column, & row information within it, using this information and the split function I am able to make the colour changes to the cells that belong to the String.

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  8. #8
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: find how many times a word appears in a string at certain positions within the string

    Hello Jordan,

    If you have a blank row separating your cell blocks it would simplify the code. Rows 3 to 10 is a count of 8 rows (inclusive) and 11 to 25 is a count of 15 (inclusive). Are you using 7 rows or 8? If 8 is not being used keeping it blank will make defining a cell block much easier by using the CurrentRegion property. Here is the code I have so far to find the terms and assign the cell block color. This macro is not complete.
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