I am trying to copy and paste select data if two criteria are met in any row. I searched the forums and dind't find anything I could adapt. I may have missed it, but this is just beyond my ability. Thanks for any help that can be offered.
One Sheet Workbook:
Sheet Name - DWB
A1:T23 - Sheet totals and command buttons for macros. Think one gigantic header area.
A24:T1000 - Data range. I expect the number of rows (not columns) to expand over time.
F11:F21 - Target range for pasting
If F24 value = "Decision Writing Process" and S24 = "No" or blank, then I want to copy A24+D24 and paste into a single cell in the target range.
If F24 value = "Decision Writing Process" and S24 = "Yes" then nothing.
Example: If I ran the macro today, and there are 5 instances of where the criteria are met, I would need the pastes to be in F11:15. There may be some days that no rows meet the criteria.