Hello, all. Looking for a pointers on a macro to take an input value, and depending on what it begins with, place it in the next available cell in that column.
Quick explaination of whats involved:
I am using input devices to collect measurement data into a spreadsheet as the measurement is being taken. I have set up the hardware to insert an identifying string at the beginning of each data packet (let's say Tool1 and Tool2) so through wedge software the value input into the spreadsheet would read "Tool1,.0064" or Tool1,1.3752" (no quotes) if the measurement was sent from Tool1, or "Tool2,1.7983" or "Tool2,.0675" if it was sent from Tool2. In each case the "Tool1," and "Tool2," are merely labels followed by a comma separator, and are what I'd like to use to determine which column the number value goes (let's say Tool1 goes in column D and Tool2 goes into column E) and put in in the next empty cell in that column. The number value is the actual measured dimension and the only part of the data packet that needs to be shown in the spreadsheet/cell (so if possible, also stripping out the "Tool1," or "Tool2" label, only leaving the number value).
I suppose having a single input cell (maybe A1) be active while the macro is running may be a good idea (?) with the ability to stop the macro for sheet error/editing purposes (?).
Some pointers would be great. The layout of the sheet is pretty much open for now. Thank you for the help, folks!![]()