I have no experience with VBA or macros, and am doing my best to figure it out. I am trying to streamline a master spreadsheet we use for registering people for classes by creating a separate sheet for each person on which we can record their payment history without cluttering the master spreadsheet. Working from the master registration spreadsheet, I would like to do the following:
Add a new person on the next row/line, then run a macro that will create a new tab/worksheet, name the tab after that person (referencing the cell with their last name), copy the $ amount due from the master spreadsheet into their personal tab/worksheet, then create a hyperlink from the master spreadsheet to the new one, so I can click off the master sheet to the personal sheet.
I have been able to get it to create a new tab, but not rename it, nor can I get the hyperlink to work as a relative reference (it always names the hyperlink after the person that I used when I created the macro).
I've attached my test spreadsheet if you need to look at it more closely - if you look at the "O'Connor" example, that's what I'd like it to look like. Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks so much!!