
I have to plot multiple charts having multiple data series (8 or 9 X-Y). I am able to plot one single chart for a defined range, for which the vb macro code is pasted below. What I really want to do is to make this range selection (columns) dynamic. For example for the fist chart I select the range
, but I don't know how to select several multiple ranges (for e.g.
and so on to create multiple charts from the data in the same worksheet? I am really new to VB coding. I desperately need help. The macro code is:
Sub NormDistPlot()

    Dim rngDataSource As range, mybook As Workbook, ws As Worksheet
    Dim iDataRowsCt As Long
    Dim iDataColsCt As Integer
    Dim iSrsIx As Integer
    Dim chtChart As Chart
    Dim srsNew As Series
    Workbooks.Open "C:\data2\sample.xlsx"
Set mybook = ActiveWorkbook
Set ws = mybook.ActiveSheet
For Each ws In mybook.Worksheets
    If Not TypeName(Selection) = "Range" Then
        '' Doesn't work if no range is selected
        MsgBox "Please select a data range and try again.", _
            vbExclamation, "No Range Selected"
        Set rngDataSource = Selection
        With rngDataSource
            iDataRowsCt = .Rows.Count
            iDataColsCt = .Columns.Count
        End With
        If iDataColsCt Mod 2 > 0 Then
            MsgBox "Select a range with an EVEN number of columns.", _
                vbExclamation, "Select Even Number of Columns"
            Exit Sub
        End If

        '' Create the chart
        Set chtChart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add( _
            Left:=ActiveSheet.Columns(ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn).Left + _
                ActiveWindow.Width / 4, _
            Width:=ActiveWindow.Width / 2, _
            Top:=ActiveSheet.Rows(ActiveWindow.ScrollRow).Top + _
                ActiveWindow.Height / 4, _
            Height:=ActiveWindow.Height / 2).Chart

        With chtChart
            .ChartType = xlXYScatterLines

            '' Remove any series created with the chart
            Do Until .SeriesCollection.Count = 0

            For iSrsIx = 1 To iDataColsCt - 1 Step 2
                '' Add each series
                Set srsNew = .SeriesCollection.NewSeries
                With srsNew
                    .Name = rngDataSource.Cells(1, iSrsIx)
                    .Values = rngDataSource.Cells(2, iSrsIx + 1) _
                        .Resize(iDataRowsCt - 1, 1)
                    .XValues = rngDataSource.Cells(2, iSrsIx) _
                        .Resize(iDataRowsCt - 1, 1)
                End With
        End With
    End If
    Next ws
End Sub
I acquired this code thanks to the hyper informative page: http://peltiertech.com/Excel/ChartsH...html#manyxoney

The sample excel file is here: Sample.xlsx

I hope to be able to solve this at the soonest.

Thanks in advance,