I've seen similar threads, but none that can get me completely what I need for this problem. I have the formula so that when data is entered in column Q, the adjacent cell generates the date of that modification.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("Q:Q")) Is Nothing Then
Target.Offset(R0 1) = Date
End If
End Sub
Easy enough, what I can't figure is how to get this macro to repeat for more cells: eg. just as entering data in columen Q causes R to generate the current date, I also need to do the same with (S,T) (U,V).
To add one more complexity. I my book as two sheets. I need to add to this macro that when Sheet2 cell P is modified, to put in the date on Sheet1 column X.
I'd prefer to just format each column with an =IF function, eg: =IF(Q2-"',"",NOW) but this only gives me number#.
Thanks for any help!