Prehaps a macro along thes lines?
Option Explicit
Sub WritePDF()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 200 ' This will loop
' Your macro to update range M3:R13 goes here
Range("M3:R13").ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:= _
"C:\Temp\" & "Result" & i & ".pdf", Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True _
, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, OpenAfterPublish:=False
' or you can put it here
Next i
End Sub
Filename will go from "Result1.pdf" to "Result200.pdf" where files will be saved in folder "C:\Temp\" this you have to change to fit your needs.
Works with Excel 2007 but not quite sure it works with Excel 2010 so you better test.