I hope somebody is able to help me with the following issue.
I have made a userform in VBA which pops-up as soon as the the Excel workbook tries to close when activating the red X-button. The userform has 3 buttons "Cancel", "Yes", "No".
When button "No" is activated the following must happen: The userform is unloaded and the user is guided to a certain cell to enter further information.
It works except that the normal save dialog ("Save", "Don't save", "Cancel") pops-up. I do NOT want this to happen.
Here is the code I have used so far:
'------ In the userform ------------
Private Sub vbNo_Click()
Application.Goto shSTARTSHEET.Range("E93")
End Sub
'------ ThisWorkbook ------------
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) 'Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
End sub
What code can I put in to avoid the save dialog box to come up? (It is OK that it comes up when button "Cancel" is used. When button "Yes" is used I have used a code that will automatically save and close the workbook - this part works OK).