I have a quote file, in Excel, with a drop down list (created through Data Validation) with the names of different companies. For each company, I need to charge different amounts of tax. I tried to set up macros first before I did anything but they didnt seem to work.

Here is a better understanding:

For Company A - we dont charge tax
Company B - we dont charge tax
Company C - We charge 5% Fee and 5% Overhead (Five rows need to be added to show this)
Company D - We dont charge tax
Company E - We charge only 5% GST (1 row will need to be added)

I have a general format for the companies that we do not charge tax but when I go to set up my macros to change the format for the other companies they do not work.

PLEASE can someone help me set up the macros for each company and then link them to that company when they are chosen from the drop down list....?

PLEASE HELP ME!!! I am pretty familiar with Excel and Macros but now that they are not working I do not know what to do...? VBA code is not my favourite.