Hi all.

I need some help here. I have a date entry worksheet, where I want certain entry fields (rows) to appear or dissappear depending on the value of a cell.

The coding I am using is:
PHP Code: 
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Range("S82") = "Yes" Then
.EntireRow.Hidden False
Range("S82") = "No" Then
.EntireRow.Hidden True
Range("V146") = "Required" Then
.EntireRow.Hidden False
Range("V146") = "Not required" Then
.EntireRow.Hidden True
End Sub 
I have used this code before, but only when I have one set of options on a worksheet. The problem I am encountering with this is that Excel is updating the entire worksheet based upon the IF values of both cells (S82 and V146). So IF S82 = Yes then the cell that should be selected is S85. However, also IF V146 = Required, the cell that is being selected is V149, though I need to update cell S82. The cell selection jumps.

No I know this same end result I am looking for (hide/unhide rows) could be done using option buttons with an assigned macro, but I cannot hide the rows with the option buttons on them, and ActiveX buttons are not working out for me.

So, is there any way of making the two codes for the two updated cells work independently, where one IF does not consider any other IF's?

I really hope this makes sense - I'm really not up on the VBA lingo so I hope I've put my problem across OK, and everyone knows want I am looking to achieve.

Many thanks,