Well if your data starts in row 1 then, using the Hex2LongBin function that I posted:
Sub DoIt()
Dim lLastRow As Long
lLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
With Range(Cells(1, 7), Cells(lLastRow, 7))
.Formula = "=Hex2LongBin(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"" "",""""))"
End With
Cells(1, 13).FormulaArray = "=IFERROR(LEN($G1)-LARGE(IF(MID($G1,ROW(INDIRECT(""1:"" & LEN($G1))),1)=""1"",ROW(INDIRECT(""1:"" & LEN($G1)))),COLUMN(A1)),"""")"
Cells(1, 13).Copy Destination:=Range(Cells(2, 13), Cells(lLastRow, 13))
Range(Cells(1, 13), Cells(lLastRow, 13)).Copy Destination:=Range(Cells(1, 14), Cells(1, 23))
End Sub
This will insert the Hex2LongBin formula all of the way down column G, and then the formula to return the position of the 1s in columns M-W
That do you?