I've created a Userform to enter (new) employee information, such as name, department, title, salary, etc. etc.
It contains a number of ComboBoxes and TextBoxes. All ComboBoxes contain lists of data from ranges.
My question: I want to be able to edit an existing employee's information using the same form, and have each Combo and Textbox show the information belonging to the employee when I select that name in the first ComboBox, for whom data was previously entered.
All data entered in this form is stored in a database (Table) in a separate sheet.
Other people have suggested I replace all other comboboxes with textboxes, but I don't want to do that. Using the Comboboxes helps guide the user and ensures consistency in data entry.
See below the code for the UserForm (called Admin). I think all it needs is some Caption statements for each ComboBox which then pulls the matching entry to the name selected from the cbonewemployee ComboBox.