First the partnumber (without zeros) in the sheet Report to be checked in column A of sheet Compare (Ref P/N) and if not found then in (New P/N). once it is found then the following should compare.
From Report Sheet "daily capacity" and in compare sheet "daily capacity "
From Report Sheet "DUNS Number" and in compare sheet "Manf DUNS"
From Report Sheet "SHIP from DUNS" and in compare sheet "Ship DUNS"
From Report Sheet "Base Price" and in compare sheet "$ W/O CU"
From Report Sheet "Copper Weight" and in compare sheet "New CU (LBS)
If all the cell values for that pirticular Part number matches then, in sheet output it should give that Part number and match in the adjacent cell and if not matching then the part number with adjacent cell as not matching
I hope i am clear this time.
Please note that in report sheet the same part number will be repeated multiple times and you can consider only the first part number ignoring the duplicates