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Hide Data Automatically When Conditions Not Met

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  1. #1
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    Question Hide Data Automatically When Conditions Not Met

    Hello Group!

    New here, just posted an introduction called "Not-so-expert Excel Expert". Hope you read it and get to know me.

    Now, I'm here to ask a question and find a solution to a problem I'm having.

    I am currently working on an Access database for a real estate client. He daily downloads a text file then opens it in Excel. No problem, except that I have to re-organize fields and data in order for it to match the Access table fields. Again, no big problem there. I wrote a macro that re-organizes the fields.

    I set up a 2nd worksheet to concatenate addresses so that duplicates can be found and deleted in Access. That's because the data may appear in any of these forms and cause duplicates:
    123 Main Street
    123 Main St.
    123 Main ST

    ETC, you get the picture. So, sheet two I pull over the street address and city from the original data (sheet 1), then have extensive formulas that will eventually (and do) that converts all of that to standards.

    Next, I do a 3rd sheet (sheet 3) where I pull over ALL the information from the original data (sheet 1) EXCEPT Street Address and City. I pull those over from the Calculations sheet (sheet 2).

    That all works wonderfully!!!! However, if today's data pulled in is say, 56 rows and is replaced tomorrow with data that is only, say, 26 rows, then anything beyond Row 26 will show a formula error. There's my problem. Is there a way to hide those errors (which really aren't errors, there are just no matching rows on other sheets for the data), when there is less data? There is no way of knowing how much data will be downloaded daily. It all depends on what's available on the download site. I plan on making my formulas, etc, work for 100 rows of data. Hopefully that will be enough, but again, when data is less than that I want to hide the error messages beyond the data rows.

    Anybody ever run across this or have any ideas?

    Thanks in advance for help! Lucy

  2. #2
    Forum Guru Pete_UK's Avatar
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    Re: Hide Data Automatically When Conditions Not Met

    You can amend your formulae like this:

    =IF($A1="","", your_existing_formula)

    so that if there is no data in column A you will just show a blank.

    OR, you could apply autofilter to column A, selecting "non blanks".

    Another way would be to use conditional formatting, so that if $A1 is empty then use a foreground colour of white, effectively hiding the cells with formulae in on blank rows.

    Hope this helps.


  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Cool Re: Hide Data Automatically When Conditions Not Met

    Well thank you so much! Such a simple solution I should have thought of myself as I have used that method before! I think all this programming is rattling my brain to where I don't think of the most obvious and try to complicate everything lol. Such is the life. Anybody know of an opening at JC Penney's to fold sweaters? It's gotta be an easier way to make a living than this! lol

    Thanks again!

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