Hi All,
I've come across an interesting issue with a macro I've been writing recently to overcome Excel 2007s bug with handling currency formats. Please find my worksheet attached.
Context: Changing number formatting in a range upon selection of a currency.
Issue: I am able to trigger a worksheet_change event both by selecting a new value from a Data Validation dropdown and by editing the cell and hitting [enter]. However, .numberformat is only applied on the latter.
Simply put, I have no idea why excel is chosing only to apply the .numberformat lines when I edit a cell directly. Events are enabled, check. Code situated in the 'Statement' worksheet, not the workbook, check. Is a _Change event, not a SelectionChange, check.
First problem which Ive encountered in vba that I cant seem to tackle or find a similar occurance elsewhere on the net. Any good ideas as how I can get the formatting to apply on the drop down change as well? Any and all help is greatly appriciated!
Thanks! Oliver