That function will just return the number of the last column of a row that has a value or a 0 if there is no value in any column. You still need to write the loop to search each row to see if it is to be hidden or not. I'll write the HideRows function you've currently got attached to the Update Calendar Button if you want but I'll need some more information to make sure I understand what you want.
In the sample you uploaded, row 1 has a value of 11 and rows 2 thru 5 are blank, row 6 contains the weekdays, rows 7 and 8 contain the header information (Albert, Barton, etc) about what you'll be displaying in rows 9 thru 17 (and so on down the sheet). Going by what you put in the first post if row 3 is blank hide rows 3 thru 8? Or did you mean check the first row of each header section and hide rows without values for each header section? Would you want that header section hidden also? Rows 1 thru 5 are throwing me off, I'm not sure what data is supposed to be shown there or if they are just for spacing to keep the button from being inside the calendar.
Also, would you want the one button to make all rows showing data visible at the same time or a button to just show all rows regardless of data visible?