I need help creating the VBA to set the source data for a graph I have created. The data range for this graph changes based on a pivot table and so I need the source data to change dynamically when the data is filtered. I have identified code that will give me the correct source data range:

Sub ChrtRng()
Dim LRow, LCol
LRow = Range("G8").End(xlDown).Row
LCol = Chr(Range("G8").End(xlToRight).Column + 64)
srcData = Range("G8" & ":" & LCol & LRow).Address(0, 0)
End Sub
Now I need the code that will actually use this range to update the graphs source data. I have attached a sample file. Unfortunately I cannot use dynamic named ranges since all of the series do not have data points for the dates on the x-axis. Also I cannot use a PivotChart because I need this file to be compatible with Excel 2011 for Mac, which does not support Pivot Charts. Any help you can provide with this is greatly appreicated. Thanks!