Dear Mike, tons and tons of thanks to works just like i wish for.

this is the final looks of the macro that i implement (see the blue comments)

Sub CopySelectedCells()
 Dim str As String, rangeRow As Range
 With CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each rangeRow In Selection.Rows
        If Trim$(Cells(rangeRow.Row, "I").Value) <> vbNullString Then
            If Not .Exists(Trim$(Cells(rangeRow.Row, "I").Value)) Then
                .Item(Trim$(Cells(rangeRow.Row, "I").Value)) = Trim$(Cells(rangeRow.Row, "I").Value)
            End If
        End If
    str = Join$(.Items, ",")
 End With
''MsgBox str ( instead of poping up the msgbox, i prefer the data in the clipboard, so i changed back to the original )
    With New MSForms.DataObject
    .SetText str
End Sub
many thanks again mike
