Hi, I have set up a workbook for Job Costing. My "Product Sheet" and the Job Sheets are all in (1) Workbook. Each worksheet is named as the Job Number.
I have a set the Job Sheets up with VLookup =IF(B21="","",(VLOOKUP(B21,'Product Code'!$B$4:$D$188,2,FALSE))) to find the products and price them at a rate on the Product Sheet. The products on each sheet varies.
Thanks to this forum I use a VBA Code to automatically name the worksheets from a list, and another code to automatically create hyperlinks from the worksheets names.
On the Product Sheet I have a total Qty =SUMPRODUCT(SUMIF(INDIRECT("'"&Sheetlist&"'!$B$21:$B$58"),B5,INDIRECT("'"&Sheetlist&"'!$I$21:$I$58"))) for occurances of each product for all worksheets.
I have now set up worksheets for each product, but want to populate these worksheets with a list of all occurrences of the product listing Job Number (Worksheet Name), Customer, Qty, Rate and Total.
Any Suggstions?
Thanks in advance