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VBA Code for Job Costing

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Excel 2007

    VBA Code for Job Costing

    Hi, I have set up a workbook for Job Costing. My "Product Sheet" and the Job Sheets are all in (1) Workbook. Each worksheet is named as the Job Number.
    I have a set the Job Sheets up with VLookup =IF(B21="","",(VLOOKUP(B21,'Product Code'!$B$4:$D$188,2,FALSE))) to find the products and price them at a rate on the Product Sheet. The products on each sheet varies.

    Thanks to this forum I use a VBA Code to automatically name the worksheets from a list, and another code to automatically create hyperlinks from the worksheets names.

    On the Product Sheet I have a total Qty =SUMPRODUCT(SUMIF(INDIRECT("'"&Sheetlist&"'!$B$21:$B$58"),B5,INDIRECT("'"&Sheetlist&"'!$I$21:$I$58"))) for occurances of each product for all worksheets.

    I have now set up worksheets for each product, but want to populate these worksheets with a list of all occurrences of the product listing Job Number (Worksheet Name), Customer, Qty, Rate and Total.

    Any Suggstions?

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Code for Job Costing

    Hello Gmil,

    Welcome to the forum!

    Because there is some much referencing involved, you should post a copy of the workbook. This will allow development of a working solution for you much more quickly. If your workbook contains confidential information, please redact it before your post.

    To Post Your Workbook
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    2. At the top of the Your Message Window, in the first row of icons, Click the Paperclip icon.
    3. Click the Add Files button at the top right in the dialog box. This displays the File Manager dialog.
    4. Click the Select Files button at the bottom middle of the dialog.
    5. In the new window Find the file you want to upload, select it, and Click Open.
    6. You will now be back in the File Manager dialog. Click the bottom Middle button Upload File.
    7. Wait until the file has completely uploaded before you exit the File Manager dialog.

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    Leith Ross

    Remember To Do the Following....

    1. Use code tags. Place [CODE] before the first line of code and [/CODE] after the last line of code.
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    3. Please mark your post [SOLVED] if it has been answered satisfactorily.

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  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Excel 2007

    Re: VBA Code for Job Costing

    Please find attached file as requested.
    Goto Product Index to hyperlink to product worksheets.
    I will insert code into each sheet, but a start would be helpful.
    The workbook is usually protected by a global code.
    I am new to formulas and codes.

    Attached Files Attached Files

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