I am attempting to export selected sheets of a master workbook to either 1, 2, or 3 new workbooks, depending on the value of cell C27 (which will be 1, 2, or 3). The filename of each new workbook will also vary depending on C27’s value. I’m a near-total novice at VBA, but this is what I’ve come up with. When I run the code, I get the “else without if” error. I’ve tried many different variations of If, Else, and
ElseIf… so the error is probably occurring because I am going about this task in a fundamentally wrong way. I cannot upload the workbook in question due to the security restrictions at my workplace. I am sure there are much better ways to do what I am attempting, but I am at the limit of my knowledge of VBA. Any assistance in fixing the code would be greatly appreciated.
Sub Createtemplate2()
MsgBox "This function creates the template."
Dim relativePath1 As String
Dim relativePath2 As String
Dim relativePath3 As String
relativePath1 = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "S # 1 Template " & Sheets("Welcome").Range("O26").Value & ".xlsm"
relativePath2 = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "S # 2 Template " & Sheets("Welcome").Range("O28").Value & ".xlsm"
relativePath3 = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "S # 3 Template " & Sheets("Welcome").Range("O30").Value & ".xlsm"
If Range("C27").Value = 1 Then
For Each ws In Worksheets(Array("General_Instructions", "Information", "Instructions", _
"Tasks", "K_Instructions", "Ks", "C_Instructions", "Comps", "Comments"))
SheetName = ws.Name
With ActiveWorkbook
.SaveAs Filename:=relativePath1
.Close SaveChanges:=True
ElseIf Range("C27").Value = 2 Then
For Each ws In Worksheets(Array("General_Instructions", "Information", "Instructions", _
"Tasks", "K_Instructions", "Ks", "C_Instructions", "Comps", "Comments"))
SheetName = ws.Name
With ActiveWorkbook
.SaveAs Filename:=relativePath1
.Close SaveChanges:=True
.SaveAs Filename:=relativePath2
.Close SaveChanges:=True
ElseIf Range("C27").Value = 3 Then
For Each ws In Worksheets(Array("General_Instructions", "Information", "Instructions", _
"Tasks", "K_Instructions", "Ks", "C_Instructions", "Comps", "Comments"))
SheetName = ws.Name
With ActiveWorkbook
.SaveAs Filename:=relativePath1
.Close SaveChanges:=True
.SaveAs Filename:=relativePath2
.Close SaveChanges:=True
.SaveAs Filename:=relativePath3
.Close SaveChanges:=True
End If
End Sub