Thanks Kyle123, I really appreciate it.
I found this link ( with has a similar issue. I quote:
"I've used a small subroutine to insert a picture into my sheet by
This works fine with Excel 2003 (Windows), but does not work with Excel 2011 (Mac) any more."
It then goes on to explain another method, but it is to advanced for me. They use something that looks like theShape.Fill.UserPicture URL.
Further down in the code it looks like this:
"' Create a Shape for putting the Image into
' ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(URL).Select is deprecated and does not work any more!!!
Set theShape = wks.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, pasteCell.Left, pasteCell.Top, 200, 200)
' fill the shape with the image after greening
theShape.Fill.BackColor.RGB = RGB(0, 255, 0)
theShape.Fill.UserPicture URL
Does this make sense to you?
also saw that they start the code by defining theShape as shape: "Dim theShape As Shape"