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Copy a row if an X is in a column to a worksheet in a workbook

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  1. #1
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    Copy a row if an X is in a column to a worksheet in a workbook

    Please let me preface this by staying, I suck at Excel.

    I just spent the last 4 hours trying to figure this out.

    I uploaded the base file, no idea exactly What i am doing.

    Basically, if i put an M in ***, i would like thme to go to male
    If i put a F, female

    If i put an X in breaking, the whole row would go to breaking....

    Is this really complicated?
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  2. #2
    Forum Contributor
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    MS Office 2007

    Re: Copy a row if an X is in a column to a worksheet in a workbook

    Have a look at the attached example file. I think this is what you are looking for. To not make it look to complicated, I have not added formulas to remove the "#N/A" lines. You can do this by using the IFERROR formula. Check the second line of the Braking sheet for exaple.
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