I know this may sound a little convoluted to be run as an Excel macro, but nevertheless I would appreciate any help...if it can even be done, which I'm not sure:

Basically, I want the Excel user to input a single term somwehere which would then be used as part of a command line operation in DOS. Then, the result of the DOS operation (which would be one row) would then be copied out of DOS and pasted somewhere into the Excel spreadsheet.

For example:

1) User enters "apple" somewhere in a spreadsheet (could be dialog box or just a cell)
2) MS-DOS opens and runs command "cres xxx %apple%"
3) The result in DOS is "FRUIT,RED,ROUND,1,1,,,U"
4) "FRUIT,RED,ROUND,1,1,,,U" gets entered into a cell somewhere in Excel
