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VBA Code Opens a workbook but won't pull up InputBoxes and Allow user to select a cell

  1. #1
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    VBA Code Opens a workbook but won't pull up InputBoxes and Allow user to select a cell

    I have a Macro which prompts the user to select files to analyze then it opens each workbook propmts the user to answer some yes/no questions and select some cells. After the user responds to the message and input boxes the macro analyzes the open workbook and pastes relevant data to a masterworkbook. The macro closes the workbook and then proceed to the next file.

    The problem I am having is the macro will prompt the user to select the files open the files and then stop, no error messages, nothing.

    Then if I go back to the masterworkbook and start the macro again it asks me to select the files again but when it goes to open them it says the first workbook is already open. I click open anyway and it then it goes to the questions it should be asking, however when it gets to the inputbox that asks for the user to select a cell it won't allow the user to activate the openworkbook to select the cells they need to.

    The code is below:

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  2. #2
    Forum Guru JosephP's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Code Opens a workbook but won't pull up InputBoxes and Allow user to select a cell

    try using a shortcut key combination that does not involve the shift key to run the macro

    if at first you don't succeed try doing it the way your wife told you to

  3. #3
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    Re: VBA Code Opens a workbook but won't pull up InputBoxes and Allow user to select a cell

    One thing I notice is you've turned off Screen Updating. So you wouldn't see the workbooks that you open and you wouldn't be able to select a range when prompted.

  4. #4
    Forum Guru Norie's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Code Opens a workbook but won't pull up InputBoxes and Allow user to select a cell

    Is there any code in the workbooks being opened?

    Do you get any of the message boxes?

    Also, and this is kind of off topic, which workbooks are ScopeSheets and COAWorkbook meant to refer to?

    At the start of the code you have this.
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    Then you open a workboook and have this which sets ScopeSheets to refer to the newly opened workbook.
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    A few lines later you have this which sets COAWorkboook to refer to the newly opened workbook
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    So both ScopeSheets and COAWorkbook refer to the opened workbook.

    Is that's what's meant to happen?

    PS You don't need to use Select Case where there are only 2 options, especially when they are True/False - use If instead.
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