I have a workbook that has 11 web querys on it and im trying to compile a list of stock symbols that will end up being itemized under a specific headers ie.(StockstoWatch, PremarketMovers, EarningsBeforeOpen) all in the same column on a master sheet. Im trying to figure out how to paste one column(each of varying size and location) from each sheet to column A on master sheet. I dont care if i have to create the header before or after pasting from each sheet but ill need everything i paste to get inserted at first row available then. Unless there is a way to have everything get pasted under an preexisting header that is already on the sheet.

This is what ive been working with but its copying entire row. I need to just copy whats in column C of the row where it finds the text then paste every stock with earnings before the open under its corresponding header on the master sheet.

 Sub BeforeOpen()
 Dim r As Integer
 Dim cell As Range
 r = 7

 For Each cell In Range("E7:E132")
 If cell.Value = "Before Market Open" Then
 cell.EntireRow.Copy Sheets("Earnings(BeforeOpen)").Cells(r, 1)
 r = r + 1
 End If
 Next cell
 End Sub